All bid openings are advertised accordingly.


Borough of Allentown

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENthat the Borough of Allentown will receive bids no later than Thursday, October 10th, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. in the Allentown Borough Municipal Building, 8 North Main Street, Allentown, New Jersey 08501, at which time and place bids will be opened and read in public for the following:

Chemical Purchases

DelPAC 2020, WWTP

Sodium Hypochlorite, WWTP

Calcium Hydroxide, WTP

Hydrofluorosilicic Acid, WTP

Magnafloc LT20, WTP

Sodium Hypochlorite, WTP

Sodium Bisulfite, WWTP

Sodium Aluminate Solution, WWTP

Proposals must be submitted to the Borough Clerk, or her representative, no later than Thursday, October 10th, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. Specifications and other bid information, prepared by Carmela Roberts, P.E. of Roberts Engineering Group, LLC, have been filed in the office of the Engineer at 1670 Whitehorse-Hamilton Square Road, Hamilton, New Jersey (609-586-1141) and may be obtained during regular business hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the cost of $10.00. Otherwise, bid packages will be provided by way of FedEx or USPS delivery. Contact Roberts Engineering Group, LLC by phone (609-586-1141) during regular business hours to provide account information and coordinate purchase and delivery of bid packages. Checks must be made payable to Roberts Engineering Group, LLC. Bids shall be submitted on the form(s) provided and shall be in accordance with the specifications contained in the Instructions to Bidders and other bidding documents. In order to assure that all potential bidders receive the complete bid documentation, as well as any amendments, modifications or supplements thereto, bid documentation must be obtained only from the Borough Engineer Carmela Roberts, PE of Roberts Engineering Group, LLC, 1670 Whitehorse Hamilton Square Road, Hamilton, NJ 08690 by registering with the Borough Engineer and paying the required documentation fee. Failure to follow this procedure for registration and receipt of documentation in submitting a bid will result in the bid being deemed incomplete, and therefore will be rejected. Bidders are required to comply with the requirements of the Local Public Contracts Law, the Prevailing Wage Act, the requirements of P. L. 1975, c.127, and N.J.S.A 10:5-31et seq. and N.JA.C. 17:27-1.1 et seq., Affirmative Action, and all requirements as set forth in the Instructions to Bidders. At the time a bid is submitted, the bidder shall submit a copy of its Business Registration Certificate.

Bids must be made on standard proposal forms, in the manner designated and must be received in sealed opaque envelopes, bearing the name and address of the bidder and the name of the project on the outside, addressed to the Borough Clerk, Borough of Allentown and must be accompanied by a Non-Collusion Affidavit and a bid bond or certified check for not less than ten percent (10%) of the amount of the bid, providing that said check or bid bond need not be more than $20,000.00 nor shall not be less than $500.00, and be delivered at the place and on or before the hour named above. 

N.J.A.C. 17:44-2.2 requires Contractors to maintain all documents related to the contract for five years from the date of final payment and to make them available to the Comptroller’s office upon request. Any awarded Contractor shall maintain all documentation related to products, transactions, or services under this contract for a period of five years from the date of final payment. Such records shall be made available to the New Jersey Office of the State Comptroller upon request.

Pursuant to P.L. 2010 c. 108, a bidder may request that its bid be withdrawn due to a “mistake” on the part of the bidder, as defined in the Law.  Otherwise, no bids may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the date and time set for the opening of the bids.  The Borough reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or accept a bid which, in its judgment, best serves the interest of the Borough.

Laurie A. Roth, MAS, RMC, CMR, CPM
Borough Administrator/Clerk