Trash is picked up every Wednesday unless otherwise noted.

Trash Collection Pick-Up

EVERY Wednesday is Garbage Collection pick-up day. The truck comes very early in the morning so it is suggested that trash be placed at the curb, after 4:00PM, the night before. Each residence gets one Borough of Allentown trash can. If residents would like to sign up for an additional can through Waste Management's subscription service, the information is below. 

Waste Management's Subscription Service

Per the current waste collection contract between Waste Management (WM) and the Borough of Allentown, residents are entitled to and have been provided one (1) 96-gallon black, Borough of Allentown waste cart to be serviced one time per week.

The Borough has asked WM and we have agreed to provide an additional cart to residents who require/want additional waste disposal capacity. WM will provide an additional green WM identified 96-gallon cart for a monthly fee. This cart will be a green WM cart that will be serviced along with the Borough of Allentown carts when placed at the curb on the regularly scheduled collection day.

Cost for this additional cart and service is $20.00 per month.

Residents can call WM at 800-869-5566 and identify themselves as a residential customer in Allentown Borough, NJ, under the following municipal account: 

502-58044   ALLENTOWN BORO (NJ)-SERVICE    8 N MAIN ST                 

The resident should indicate that they wish to obtain an additional cart (WM) for their address. Note that when calling in, your service address may already be in our system, but the billing information may need to be updated.

Resident will need to confirm: 

a. their “bill to” name

b. their service address

c. their billing address

d. arrangements for payment (credit or debit card preferred)

Once this is completed, WM will arrange delivery of the WM cart, and it will be serviced on the regular Allentown collection day when placed at the curb.

Residents are reminded of the following:

  1.        Effective October 1, 2024, WM will no longer service privately owned carts or containers. Only Borough of Allentown provided carts and WM provided carts are eligible for municipally sponsored collection and disposal services.

 2.       Waste in excess of what fits in your cart(s) should be held until the following week collection.

 3.      Bulk waste is collected one time per quarter on dates specified. It cannot be put at curb for collection any other time.

 4.       This additional cart service is not for temporary or event usage, but for those who regularly need more than the Borough provided 96-gallon cart service.

Brush Pick-Up (**UPDATED 1/02/25**)
There is a spring/summer and fall/winter brush schedule. For spring/summer, between January until October, brush collection will occur Monday. 2025 Weekly brush collection returns on Monday, January 6th. Bagged/containerized, non-chippable yard waste will be collected first. Grass clippings will NOT be picked up. Please compost or mulch these items.
No logs larger than 6-inch diameter and 4 feet in length. No tipper cans or cans with non-removable lids. Cans/bags/bundles must be under 40 lbs.  Only cans will be collected.  No improvised containers. No more than 10 items at the curb (cans, bags, bundle). No grass, rocks, mulch, dirt, asphalt, concrete. Loose brush should be bundled and tied. No hardware on brush (nails, screws, hinges, brackets). Only brush, no illegal dumping in the brush.
The last day for 2024 fall brush collection is Monday, October 28th. For fall/winter, October-February, there will be no brush collection so DPW can focus on leaf collection and snow removal. During this time, residents are welcome to drop off their brush at the wastewater treatment plant on Breza Road Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:00AM and 2:00PM. Spring brush collection will resume the week of March 6th weather permitting. Fall leaf collection will end on Friday, January 3rd. For snow removal, all basketball hoops, hockey nets, and other items muse be removed from the roadway. The Borough will not be held responsible for any items left in the roadway while snowplowing (Updated 12/02/24)
Brush may be dropped off at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. You may place brush in the front area of the site on the left-handed side as you drive in. Small amounts of leaves that are mixed in with brush are acceptable, but loads of leaves may not be dropped off at the brush pile. 
Woodchips (**UPDATED 12/05/23**)
Residents are welcome to come down to the wastewater treatment plant on  Breza Road to pick up free woodchips. These woodchips are made from the Borough's brush that is run through the chipper during the year. 
Bulk Goods (**UPDATED 6/20/24**)
Effective July 1, 2024-June 30, 2027, there will only be quarterly bulk pick-up. The dates for 2024 are August 28th and December 4th. Residents will be limited to 4 items per household. 
Trash that is too large to be stored in a regular trash can, but is also NOT recyclable, a white goods item, electronic waste, hazardous waste, construction waste or metal is then classified as bulk trash. For a complete list of what is NOT bulk trash see below.
  • Metal items, including outdoor grills, will also NOT be collected as part bulk trash per the hauler.
  • Mattresses and box springs must be wrapped in plastic or in mattress bags (available at home improvement stores) for collection due to concerns over bedbugs and COVID-19. Mattresses over the full size or larger, must first be wrapped in plastic, then folded in half, and tied with a rope. 
  • Anything over 4ft in length must be cut in half. 
  • Anything with glass will need safety tape in an "X" across the glass. 
  • No loose bulk items may be left by the curb. Items must be packaged in either a container, a contractor bag, or bundled for collection. 
Items should be placed at the curb the night prior. Please call Borough Hall to get added to the list for pick-up. The list is closed at 12PM the day before pick-up. If you are not on the list, your items will not be collected. Call 609-259-3151. 
White Goods
The LAST Wednesday of each month is White Goods pick-up day. Washers, dryers, refrigerators, microwaves, etc. are classified as white goods waste items. Items should be placed out the evening prior. Doors to refrigerators must be removed. The refrigerator body is put out on white goods day and the doors are put out on bulk trash day. There is a $35.00 fee per item. Please contact Borough Hall to arrange for pick up and payment at 609-259-3151. Items placed out at the curb without contacting Borough Hall first will not be picked up. 

Electronic  Waste
The LAST Wednesday of each month is Electronic Waste pick-up day. Outdoor grills, TVs, computers, etc. are classified as electronic waste items. Items should be placed out the evening prior. There is no fee. Please contact Borough Hall to arrange pick up at 609-259-3151. Items placed out at the curb without contacting Borough Hall first will not be picked up. 

Hazardous Waste
Monmouth County's Hazardous Waste Facility, located at 3211 Shafto Road in Tinton Falls, processes all the hazardous waste for Monmouth County. Call 732-683-8686 and follow the prompts for "household hazardous waste disposal". Materials can be dropped off on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 12:00PM to 4:00PM, Thursdays and Fridays from 12:00PM to 8:00PM, and Saturdays from 8:00AM to 4:00PM. 

The facility is open to Monmouth County residents only. There are no appointments required to drop off materials at the facility. The facility limits residents to 20 gallons of liquid or 220 pounds of dry material per visit. Liquid containers are limited to a 5 gallon size maximum. Solid packages are limited to 50 pounds of weight maximum.

No business or commercially generated waste is accepted. Asbestos, ammunition, fireworks, gunpowder, boat flares, radioactive materials (including smoke detectors), medical waste, and medical sharps are not permitted for disposal at this facility. 

Monmouth County reserves the right to reject participants and/or materials at its sole discretion. Visit their website at