Consider honoring your loved one's life with the Shade Tree Commission's Commemorative Tree Program.

Shade Tree Commission reminds you about their "Commemorative Tree Program."

This program offers an opportunity to honor or remember an individual or to celebrate a special occasion in a unique way. Consider buying a living gift of a tree to honor the memory of a loved one, pet, fallen soldier, honor a special event like a birth, birthday, wedding or family celebration. You may add a temporary personal memorial at the site if you wish. This can be no larger than 4 sq. ft. and must be removed within 6 months. Any items that become faded or broken or raise safety issues will be removed immediately.

Allentown recognizes the value of trees in our community. Trees create beauty, shade and provide food and shelter for many insects, birds and wildlife. Trees help clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, and lift spirits. The Shade Tree Commission has developed a Commemorative Tree Donation Program to enhance the beauty and sustainability of our parks and community. Trees help contribute and build a sense of community, consider donating a tree today and know it will beautify Allentown for years to come.

Please see their website at for more details.